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Renji Kizoku (played by AkihikoToshiro) | |
Aki's cousin.. Starting to get pretty close to him. |
Fish (played by Avi) | |
Snappz (played anonymously) | |
Bestie from prison days. xD |
War (played anonymously) | |
Maurus (played by Impulsive) | |
Boyfriend, my crazy addiction! |
Redifined Mayhem (played by FallenLegacy) | |
Red! |
Kiri Valentine (played by MomoMonroe) | |
Red's ex. |
Des Akuma (played by ShinOni) | |
Des! |
Akio Kizoku (played by AkihikoToshiro) | |
Aki is awesome. |
Lunar Aura (played by MeowHipster) | |
Her mom's best friend. |
Abbriella Mayhem (played by Maddilyn_Massacre) | |
Red's sister. Kels doesn't know her all that well YET, but she knows who she is. |
Adorian Shiraki (played by AdorianShiraki) | |
Emi's bestie! |
Dante Nixon (played anonymously) | |
Hailey Anderson (played anonymously) | |
Nero (played by SweetTyranny) | |
Donnie (played by Impulsive) | |
Brother! |
Monet (played by MomoMonroe) | |
Chaos Bloodstone (played by SweetTyranny) | |
Father! |
Night Bloodstone (played by Matt_Parker) | |
Uncle! |
Emiko Bloodstone (played by MeowHipster) | |
Sister! |
Theo (played anonymously) | |
Yuuki Bloodstone (played anonymously) | |
Sagami (played by SagamiShiro) | |
Met at Pulse! |
KitKatz (played by MeowHipster) | |
Pharos (played anonymously) | |
Emiko Bloodstone (played by MeowHipster) || May 3 2015, 8:32pm
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Night Bloodstone (played by Matt_Parker) || February 17 2015, 12:42pm
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Emiko Bloodstone (played by MeowHipster) || February 17 2015, 12:47pm
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Night Bloodstone (played by Matt_Parker) || February 17 2015, 12:50pm
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Emiko Bloodstone (played by MeowHipster) || February 2 2015, 9:22pm
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